On My Own
- Author(s) : Zuha
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
- view : 1.200.000
- Genre : Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shounen ai, Manhwa
On My Own:
Genius chef and restaurant owner Heemin hates relying on others so much that he's called “Mr. On My Own”. Being known as a no-fluff, values-over-looks guy is all good in the workplace, except it means he has to hide an integral part of who he is... The fact that he's a diehard fan of the K-pop group, Emotion! To be specific, Heemin is obsessed with Jeong-woon, but at a meet-and-greet, one of the other members, Yiyeon, keeps chatting him up. There's no room for another #1 in Heemin's heart... or is there?
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